The 2002 Coastwise Contract Negotiations

In Defense of Labor Rights/In Defense of Union Security – All out in support of the ILWU

Whereas, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) coast-wide longshore contract with the Pacific Maritime Authority (PMA) expired on July 1, 2002 without any agreement, and negotiations are continuing over matters of the greatest importance to the union security of their members, and;

Whereas, the union hiring hall won in the San Francisco General Strike of 1934 is now being threatened by proposals made by the PMA, and;

Whereas, the Maritime Security Act threatens the jobs of workers who have criminal convictions many years old which are unrelated to either their job or maritime security, and;

Whereas, Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, the newly appointed official in charge of all secret police and investigative forces of the federal government, recently called the ILWU President to discourage a strike, framing it as a threat to national security, in an act which was clearly intended to intimidate the union during negotiations, and;

Whereas, provisions of Taft-Hartley Act may be invoked by the federal government, interfering with the legal and independent process of collective bargaining, and;

Whereas, these actions by the federal government and the PMA endanger fundamental union rights by interfering with the collective bargaining process, and constitute a threat to all union members by portraying the defense of union security as a threat to national security.

Therefore Be It Resolved: that GCIU: Web Press/Prepress Workers’ Union 4N will;

1. Publicize this information to members in meetings, newsletters, and other communications.

2. Request adoption of this resolution by the GCIU, central labor councils, and the California Federation of Labor.

3. Send copies of this resolution to elected representatives, Homeland Security Director Ridge, and President Bush demanding HANDS OFF of basic union rights and NO government intervention IN CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS.

4. Lend support to campaigns and actions undertaken by the ILWU to negotiate a fair settlement with the PMA and if necessary, exercise their legal right to strike.
Adopted unanimously at the July 21, 2002, GCIU: 4N General Membership meeting.