Elmer Richard "Dick" Moork

Elmer Richard "Dick" Moork

Brother Dick Moork was one of a kind. He never wavered in his personal struggle to defend and enlarge the rights of workers and all who suffer under an unfair system devoted to enhancing profits at the expense of the people. He spent his time in the labor movement trying by every means possible to raise living standards generally; while at the 'same time knowing and conveying to others that our economy would never allow freedom for the people.

Dick was very active in Local 19 and had been elected to many of the leadership positions. In retirement he was elected as President of the Seattle Pensioner's Club in the 1990's. In 1993 he became one of the 4 founders of the Rusty Hook. Dick served on the editorial board of the Rusty Hook until his passing in 1996.

He felt that the "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was not possible with the bosses in control. Many of us felt he literally wore himself out giving unstintingly and heroically to the cause in which he believed so strongly. lie never gave in. He could not be bent, broken or bought. 

He believed, as did Abraham Lincoln, that the strongest human bond is that uniting workers of all lands and kindreds. If we can achieve his vision we will be far better off than at any time in history. Farewell to Dick — Old Timer, Brother and Comrade.