The Neptune Jade Struggle

The following communiqué was sent to Brian McWilliams, President of the ILWU, from Jim Nolan, Chairman of the Mersyside Port Shop Stewards Committee in Liverpool:

29 April 1998

Dear Brian and Friends,

Can we start by sending fraternal greetings to the ILWU caucus meeting starting 4th May. [This refers to the Coastwide Longshore Caucus, a meeting of delegates from all the longshore locals.]

As we have stated on many occasions over the course of the Liverpool Docks Dispute, the support and solidarity that we received from the ILWU was absolutely magnificent. 

To us and to our many supporters, your help both financially and physically came very close to bringing a victory to our struggle and truly reflects the real meaning of Internationalism.

The Neptune Jade Boycott, which caught the imagination of the entire International Dock workers Movement, was without doubt the Highlight of our International Campaign. 

We all hope that the outstanding actions against Robert Irminger and any other comrades who so heroically participated in the boycott will be successfully defended.

The current situation on the Australian waterfront shows that the global attacks on the Trade Union and Labour movement by Governments and Multi-nationals are never ending. 

Therefore the need for a strong and progressive International Dock workers Organization is needed now more than ever. Although our fight in Liverpool is over for the time-being, we know that the maintaining and expansion of that movement will be safe in the hands of the ILWU.

Wishing you every success.

Yours in solidarity,
Jim Nolan