Art Mink
1919 - 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of Art Mink. Art was admitted to the hospital on Sunday, March 20th with a cough that was diagnosed as possibly pneumonia and passed away on Wednesday March 23rd, at the age of 91.

Art, along with Del Castle, was responsible for resuscitating the Rusty Hook, and he has been the glue that has kept it flowing all these years. He has been a fighter for the working class all his life, in Boise, Los Angeles and here in Seattle. 

Most of his life in the ILWU he was actively involved, holding various offices in both locals 19 and 52. He was vice-president of 19 during the '71 strike. Art has been retired for about 30 years and during that time, he continued his fight for the rights of others, and was active in the Pensioners' Club.

If he was talking to you now, he would say, look around you Brothers and Sisters, the working class is under attack as never before in the last 50 years. It's time to stand up and be counted, hit the bricks and show the corporate greed-mongers that we mean business.

Art, thank you for all you have done for us, you will be greatly missed.